Acolyte of the Altar Trainer

Acolyte of the Altar, developed by Black Kite Games, published by Black Kite Games. This game have is Indie, RPG, Strategy category. Hunt through the wastelands for colossal Beasts in this roguelike deckbuilder. Beware! Beasts grow stronger during battle, allowing them to consume your creatures or counter your spells. Carve profane Gifts from these behemoths and grow stronger to serve your Patron! But serve them to what end? Acolyte of the Altar trainer we will tell you how to install and how to use.

Acolyte of the Altar Trainer Installation

Options: 14 (any version of the game)

Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. During the game you will be able to take advantage of the following keys; NUMPAD

Download Trainer

File Date added File size Downloads
Auto-Updating Version:
exe Acolyte of the Altar Trainer.Full.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 30.01.2025 165 KB15497
Standalone Versions:
zip Acolyte of the Altar Trainer.Early.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 25.01.2025 397 KB 10022
zip Acolyte of the Altar Trainer.Full.Access.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 28.01.2025 192 KB 9884
zip Acolyte of the Altar Trainer.LatestVersion.Plus.Trainer-FLiNG 01.02.2025 225 KB 9496

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