The Lost King of Avallon, developed by Freeline Games GmbH, published by Freeline Games GmbH. This game have is Adventure, Indie, RPG, Early Access category. The Lost King of Avallon is a challenging turn-based rogue-lite RPG set in a medieval world. The open world will allow you to do what you want and be whoever you want: warrior, magician, elemental, demon, angel… Gather a team of heroes and find a clue to the strange story of the king of Avallon The Lost King of Avallon trainer we will tell you how to install and how to use.
The Lost King of Avallon Trainer Installation
Trainer have a 10+ functions. Run the trainer click game icon and open the game.
Key Settings
– Numpad 0
– Numpad 1
– Numpad 2
– Numpad 3
– Numpad 4
– Numpad 5
– F1
– F2
– F3
– F4
Options: +10 (For any version of the game)
We recommend that you turn off windows defender before opening the trainer.