Rogue Legacy, developed by Cellar Door Games, published by Cellar Door Games. This game have is Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG category. Rogue Legacy is a genealogical rogue-“LITE” where anyone can be a hero. Each time you die, your child will succeed you. Every child is unique. One child might be colorblind, another might be a dward with have vertigo. But that’s OK, because no one is perfect, and you don’t have to be to succeed. Rogue Legacy trainer we will tell you how to install and how to use.
Rogue Legacy Trainer Installation
Trainer have +3 functions (works for all version)
There are currently only 3 features.
F1 Key = Auto skills,
F2 Key = Enemy Finder,
F3 Key = Auto skill update
Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game.