雾尽时分, developed by 济沧海工作室, published by Pujia8 Studio. This game have is Adventure, Indie, Simulation category. 戏班内扑朔迷离的死亡,步步紧逼的幕后黑手,封闭剧场内的死亡倒计时,案件主角的生命和救赎都取决于你的决断。当第一桩案件尘埃落定,你以为可以回到现实世界时,轮回之路才刚刚开始…… 雾尽时分 trainer we will tell you how to install and how to use.
雾尽时分 Trainer Installation
Options: 14 (any version of the game)
Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. During the game you will be able to take advantage of the following keys; NUMPAD