残秽的我们2:普渡慈航, developed by Game Logic Studio, published by Game Logic Studio. This game have is Adventure, Indie, RPG category. 千禧年初西北某地,一起恶性杀人事件轰动一时,行凶者临死前紧紧握着半张佛脸,他强烈的怨念引起了“无者”的注意。随着探究的深入,竟又牵扯出十年前另一起纵火灭门案!相同的一尊佛像,背后暗藏的究竟是天灾还是人祸。在那片由怨念产生的怨秽地之中,种种诡异可怖的表象之下,深埋着未知的秘密。 残秽的我们2:普渡慈航 trainer we will tell you how to install and how to use.
残秽的我们2:普渡慈航 Trainer Installation
Options: 14 (any version of the game)
Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. During the game you will be able to take advantage of the following keys; NUMPAD