小虎传:大菠萝深渊, developed by 波波工作室, published by 波波工作室. This game have is Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, Strategy, Early Access category. 这是一款十分看脸的游戏:随机生成十八层大深渊,随机分布地貌和物资,击杀妖怪掉落随机的战利品。随机结识的队伍小伙伴,或是一大助力,或是打酱油的。绿蓝紫橙的装备,获取完全看脸。欧皇也许一路横扫,非酋也能靠技巧通关。一切未知,等待你的探索。 小虎传:大菠萝深渊 trainer we will tell you how to install and how to use.
小虎传:大菠萝深渊 Trainer Installation
Functions: +5 (For any version of the game). Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game.
Trainer Keys
Ctrl+Num 1
Ctrl+Num 2
Ctrl+Num 3
Ctrl+Num 4
Ctrl+Num 5